„A Patent Attorney has to be able
to abstract complicated technical issues
without neglecting relevant details“
data and signal processing | computer-implemented inventions | semiconductor technology | magnetic memories | medical technology | automotive technology | navigation systems | construction machines | power tools | material processing | insulating window technology
processing patent applications | handling and coordinating patent litigations
German Patent Attorney Chamber | epi | FICPI
Robert Zitzer graduated in physics at the University of Regensburg and obtained his doctoral degree in the field of solid state physics with emphasis on the study of magnetic properties of strongly correlated electron systems at the University of Augsburg. He works in the field of intellectual property rights since 2008 and was trained at our Patent Attorney firm, the German Patent and Trademark Office and the German Federal Patent Court. After his training Robert Zitzler was registered as a German Patent Attorney in 2012 and as a European Patent Attorney in 2013.
Robert Zitzler advises our national and international clients in various technical questions. Within the cooperation he specially emphasizes continuous exchange and personalised support. He handles complex issues with perseverance and analytical expertise. He also proofs endurance in his spare time, in which he enjoys playing tennis.